I use four
screens, and sometimes lose my cursor. No more! I have Obi-WanQui-Gon
to point the way for me. Using the Makezine Controller, a
small X program, OSC, and a pair of servo motors, I have a real-life cursor
(2.4MB video).
The X program (included below) tracks the cursor, and ten times a second, sends an OSC (Open Sound Control) command using sendOSC to the controller. The commands work together like this:
~/src/servo | osc/sendOSC/sendOSC -h 10000
/* compile with this command: cc servo.c -o servo -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); Window thiswindow; Window root, child; XEvent ev; int x, y, oldx, oldy; int junk; unsigned int state; thiswindow = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); for(;;) { XQueryPointer(dpy, thiswindow, &root, &child, &x,&y, &junk,&junk, &state); if (oldx != x || oldy != y) { printf("/servo/0/position %d\n/servo/1/position %d\n", x / 3, y * 1024 / 768); fflush(stdout); oldx = x; oldy = y; } usleep(1000L * 1000L / 10); } }
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